Baton Rouge RC Club Newsletter – Feb 2006

PRESIDENT – Bob McMillan
VICE PRESIDENT – Charlie Dedon
SECRETARY – Willard Beard
EDITOR – Jimmy Lyon – Tel. (225) 753-4637 ([email protected])

NOTICE – The next meeting of the BR RC Club will be Tuesday, Feb 7th at the Greenwell Springs Road Library at 7:00 PM

President Robert McMillan called the meeting to order at 6:58 pm. He asked the Secretary to read the minutes from December 6, 2005 meeting.  The minutes were read and approved by all members present.

Bob then asked the Treasurer for a report. B. C. first gave us a 2005-year end report and advised that we will pay $135.00 in income tax for 2005.  He then gave a report for the expenses for the last month.  All members present approved these reports.

Blackie was asked for a field committee report.  He said the field was in great shape.  The spraying for grub worms is on hold until the equipment is available.

Mike was asked for a safety report.  He stated that we did not have any injuries to report.  He also commented that while starting his plane, the prop came off, nearly cutting his leg.  Make sure your prop nuts are tight before starting your engines.  Mike also advised that starting with the latest issue of the AMA magazine they are including a column on safety on page 78.

Bob advised that Charlie is out of fuel but will order another supply shortly.

Vic advised he has a new supply of caps available for anyone who wants one.

Farley proposed that we schedule our workday for Feb. 11 at 9:00 am.  Bring your shovel, axe, bulldozer or any other tool your think we might need.  Someone will cook lunch for us.  Some of the work to be done is cut the trees on the north end of the field and along the road.

Mike proposed that we have our ladies night out on Feb. 25, 2006. He will try to schedule it for 6:30 PM at LaFleur’s.  Weldon and Susie will be the guests of honor.  (Editors note: This has been confirmed 6:30pm at LaFleur’s at 6865 Magnolia Beach Rd in Denham Springs. 667-2188)

Bob advised that he and Vic delivered the fruit baskets to the Kissners before Christmas.  He said they were very happy to have received them.  He also reported that Mrs. Kissner was at the store when they delivered the baskets and that she looked well.

New Business
Lee was asked to review his schedule for the club events scheduled for this year.  He listed the following events:
May 6, Family Day, Vic
April 8, Cub Day, Blackie
October, Fun Scale, George
Open, Family Day, open

A motion was made to adjourn at 7:40 PM.